Health and Safety Policy and Details
Technology Australia (MTA) is a "health and safety" conscious
company. Our magnetic fluid conditioner (MFC) products are
designed with the objective of minimising or eliminating
exposure to heath and safety issues.
All potential health and safety issues with Scale-X MFCs have
been addressed by MTA and reduced to nil or are negligible.
They are as follows:
(1) exposure to static magnetic fields
(2) physical handling of the MFCs
(3) on site ease of installation of the MFCs
(4) exposure to dangerous or harmful substances or chemicals -
Exposure to Static Magnetic Fields
(Note that 10000gauss = 1Tesla)
Maximum exposure to static magnetic fields from Scale-X MFCs
under the most adverse conditions is less than 7% of the
levels recommended by the International Commission on Non-ionising
Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines.
These (ICNIRP) guidelines are as follows with the MTA Scale-X
MFC exposure levels shown in blue:
(a) the whole-body continuous occupational exposure to a time
weighted average magnetic flux
density should not exceed 200 mT. For a
Scale-X MFC this exposure level is less than 1mT.
(b) the maximum whole body exposure should not exceed
2T. For a Scale-X MFC this exposure level
is less than 0.01T.
(C) when restricted to the limbs, the exposure should
not exceed 5T. For a Scale-X MFC
this exposure level is less than 0.32T
The magnetic materials used in Scale-X MFCs are also used in
medical equipment.
Physical Handling of the MFCs
The Scale-X MFCs are designed such that they can be installed
using the standard conventional equipment and procedures for
lifting and locating the MFCs.
On Site Ease of Installation of the
MTA Scale-X MFCs are designed such that installation and/or
retrofit is simple and requires no onsite hot works on the MFCs.
The MFCs simply bolt in or bolt onto the customers plant. No
special equipment is required for installation.
No Exposure to Dangerous or
Harmful Substances or Chemicals
Scale-X Magnetic Fluid Conditioners are environmentally
safe and friendly. There are no electrical connections and no
chemicals or harmful substances are used. Scale-X MFCs are a
chemically free method of controlling and/or eliminating scale
and biofilm
deposition in water and other fluid systems.