Scale-X Fluid Conditioning Technology


                            SCALE-X  INSTALLATIONS

Scale-X can treat many
types of fluid processes


  Companies with Scale-X installations  

 The following is a partial list of the companies that have Scale-X installations.

     ●  Ford Motor Company (Australia)

     ●  Broken Hill Proprietary Limited BHP (Australia)

     ●  Petronas / Carigali Petroleum (Malaysia)

     ●  British Gas Exploration and Production India Limited (India)

     ●  Alcoa World Alumina (Australia)

     ●  Worsley Alumina Pty Ltd (Australia)

     ●  Austal Ships Pty Ltd (Australia)

     ●  Nas Dagang Sdn Bhd (Malaysia)

     ●  Hoover Appliances Limited (Australia)

     ●  Bonlac Foods Limited (Australia)

     ●  Murray Goulburn Cooperative Company (Australia)

     ●  Anchor (New Zealand)

     ●  United Milk Tasmaina (Australia)

     ●  Atco Controls (Australia)

     ●  Nestle Foods (Australia)

     ●  State Electricity Commission of Victoria (Australia)

     ●  Capel Dairy Co (Australia)

     ●  New Zealand Cooperative Dairy Co Ltd  (New Zealand)

     ●  Northland Cooperative Dairy Co Ltd (New Zealand)

     ●  CSL Limited (Australia)

Many of the above have multiple installations at various locations.




  US Department of Energy listings of sites  

The US Department of Energy has endorsed the use of magnetic fluid treatment as a technology which is effective in the control of scale build ups.  The accompanying US Department of Energy Federal Technology Alerts report entitled "Non-Chemical Technologies for Scale and Hardness Control" contains the following impressive list of high profile users of this technology in the United States.

Federal Sites

     ●  GSA, Suitland, MD
     ●  National Aeronautics and Space Administration, multiple locations
     ●  United States Coast Guard, multiple locations
     ●  United States Air Force, Luke AFB, Phoenix, AZ
     ●  United States Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District, CA
     ●  United States Environmental Protection Agency, Andrew W.
         Breidenbach Environmental Research Center, Cincinnati, OH
     ●  United States Postal Service, multiple locations

Non-Federal Sites

     ●  Arnold Printing, Cincinnati, OH
     ●  Bethlehem Steel, multiple locations
     ●  Chrysler, multiple locations
     ●  Ford Motor Company, multiple locations
     ●  General Electric, multiple facilities
     ●  General Motors, multiple facilities
     ●  Getty Center, Los Angeles, CA
     ●  Inland Steel, 200 locations
     ●  House of the Future, Ahwatukee, AZ
     ●  John Deere, multiple locations
     ●  John Hancock Center, Chicago, IL
     ●  LTV Steel, multiple locations
     ●  Protective Coatings Inc.
     ●  National Steel, over 100 installations
     ●  USX, multiple locations
     ●  United States Playing Card Company, Cincinnati, OH