Scale-X eliminated chronic scale on offshore platform


                        OIL  &  GAS  PRODUCTION


  Formation (subterranean) water can cause chronic scaling problems in offshore platform's piping, vessels and valves.  

Scaling in valves, pumps, vessels, pipes and wells in oil and gas production process systems can consist of just the common inorganic salts such as calcium carbonate (calcite), dolomite, calcium sulfate (gypsum) and barite ( barium sulphate) or it can consist of the organic scales such as wax, paraffin and asphaltenes and/or any combination of all these plus other types of scales.  These scales can be prevented using ScaleX Fluid Conditioning Technology.

The following photographs are of scale build up from formation water (subterranean water) in valves and pipes in a South China Sea Petronas offshore platform oil and water separation system.  All of these scales have a magnetic susceptibility of less than -0.25 and are treatable by the Scale-X magnetic fluid conditioner.

  Installation of MFCs  

For many Oil & Gas Production systems, both offshore and land based, the fluid dynamics need to be modified during transit through the MFC's to bring the fluid parameters within the operating range required for magnetic treatment of fluids to function. This change can be achieved by use of specially designed ScaleX MFC's that incorporate fluid velocity amplifiers and flow profilers. Scale-X MFC's incorporating these functions, can be strategically located at specific locations within the production process. These units can be installed in oil well head systems immediately after the well head Christmas tree, in process piping or within pressure vessels and are installed at, or just prior to, identified scaling points. They can also incorporate vortex breaker and inlet diffuser functions.  A typical offshore platform oil / water separation process system may require multiple stages of Scale-X MFC's as shown schematically. Each of the MFCs are designed to treat the system up to the next MFC and beyond, that is, the system is divided up into treatable zones and the MFCs overlap into the next downstream zone.


  Cause of scale build up  

Scaling in these systems typically occurs as a consequence of a pressure reduction, which, for example, allows dissolved carbon dioxide to come out of solution. The most chronic scaling typically occurs after the pressure reduction points at the wellhead choke valve and the standpipe outlets of the oil / water separation vessels. Depending on the CO2 saturation levels and progressive pressure reduction within the process, it may be necessary to apply multiple stages of ScaleX MFC's. Calcite, an inorganic mineral salt, is the most common and most proliferous scale deposited in oil production systems and is easily treated. Oil and gas production systems also suffer from organic scaling of paraffin, wax and asphaltenes.

The following photographs of a Scale-X MFCs are:-
(1) a vessel type MFC treating 5,300,000 litres (33,400 barrels) of crude oil and subterranean (formation) water per day, and
(2) a well head MFC partly removed from the special MFC spool after 15 months operation showing the spool completely free of scale.

Well head MFC located in the spool and
showing the transition flange

  Platform maintenance shutdowns to de-scale can be eliminated  

Oil & Gas production systems are often in remote locations, where shutdown and maintenance costs are difficult to resource workers, hazardous and expensive. In addition to the maintenance expense, there is a significant cost associated with lost production as a result of the process being shut-down for maintenance for scale removal. Installation of Scale-X MFC's can eliminate the scale problem and the need for such maintenance shutdowns, resulting in significant savings and increase in production output.


  No production losses due to scale with Scale-X MFCs installed  

As scale build up can be totally eliminated, there is no cumulative drop-off in production levels due to flow restrictions caused by progressive build up of scale formation in pipes, valves and vessel outlets. This results in a significant increase in production, which would normally return the cost of installation of the Scale-X MFC's many times over each year.  Also, valves remain operational and separation vessel liquid levels and pressure do not need to be ramped up.  All of these benefits were achieved by a Scale-X MFC's installation on a South China Sea offshore oil platform which experienced severe scaling problems from the "formation water (subterranean)" which required the platform to be shutdown and de-scaled every 3 months. 


  Outcomes of installing Scale-X MFCs on an offshore platform  

Magnetically treated fluids eliminates scale formation on all surfaces including valves, pumps and instrumentation as wells as vessel and pipe walls.  The successful elimination of scale problems in control valves using Scale-X MFC's was the subject of a technical article published in Engineers Australia, Newsletter of IE Aust.

The following diagram shows the chronic scale problem in the separation vessel exit standpipes, valves and piping on the South China Sea offshore oil platform after 3 months when using chemical scale inhibitors.  This required a platform  shutdown every 3 (three) months to de-scale this system.  There was an 18% drop off in production over the 3 months between cleans and the ROI (return on investment) was within a couple weeks.


The following shows the total elimination of the scale after 8 (eight) months with the Scale-X MFCs installed.  This eliminated the need for a platform shutdown to de-scale this system.


  Elimination of (1) Environmental hazard and
                     (2) Handling of dangerous chemicals

Problem No 1
A potential health and safety environmental hazard associated with some locations is the existence of trace amounts of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM), which often occur in small and acceptably safe concentrations in the bulk oil, water & gas streams. However, many of these NORM components are often preferentially deposited in scale deposits that can form in many production processes. Consequently, the scale becomes a particularly hazardous material, and special handling procedures must be adopted to safely deal with the removal and disposal of this hazardous scale material. The first hazard occurs when the scale is physically removed, where personnel are required to enter the vessel or pipe lines to scrape off the scale deposits. The second hazard occurs when the removed scale containing NORM and/or other components (this may include mercury, etc.) are collected and sent to land based "land fill" sites for disposal of hazardous materials. The installation of Scale-X MFC's can prevent the build-up of scale deposits, and consequently, prevent the NORM problem entirely, as these materials typically occur in low enough levels to be classified as safe when they are maintained in the total oil & water stream

Problem No 2
Dangerous chemical scale inhibitors are used to try to slow down the build up of scale with little success.  These chemical are dangerous to personnel handling them.  Scale-X eliminates the need for these chemicals.