Scale-X Fluid Conditioning Technology


                                 FOOD  PROCESSING

Reduce chemicals
and cleaning costs


  The food industry usually suffers from both inorganic and organic scale and sludge build up.  The rate of build up can be extreme within a few hours.  

Scale and sludge formed in fluid process systems for food, for example, the dairy industry, are usually a mixture of inorganic mineral salts and organic build-ups of such substances as calcium carbonate, complex calcium phosphates (for example, milk stone), proteins, lactose, sugars and fats.  Also the rate of build up can be so fast (within a few hours in the milk processing industry) that it is often only possible for magnetic fluid conditioners to slow the rate of build up and to extend the length of runs between cleans.  In distilleries, the rate of build up is usually much slower and can normally be controlled or totally eliminated.

It is also very important what type of magnetic fluid conditioner units are installed as food production pipes and vessels must be able to be totally cleaned to prevent or reduce the possibility of bacteria problems.  Therefore the magnetic fluid conditioners (MFCs) must not be invasive of the fluid process.


  Applications in the dairy industry  

Scale-X magnetic fluid conditioner devices are effective in treating milk stone, protein, lactose, sugars and fats and are suitable for application on the full range of milk products evaporative processes (concentrators) such as whole milk, skim, whey, butter milk, permeates and fortified milk products,  etc....  It is also applicable to UHT processes, pre-heaters and pasteurisers, etc..., as well as "on farm" dairy equipment.  Scale-X MFC’s based on the advanced technology developed for the chronic scale problems encountered in the O&GP industry has greatly increased the benefits that can be achieved in all scaling applications including the full range of milk products.


  Installation of MFCs  

Most milk processing systems are constructed of thin walled, food grade, stainless steel tube.  Two basic types of  Scale-X magnetic fluid conditioner devices are available for milk process systems:- (i) units forming an integral part of the process piping (often referred to as “inline” units) and (ii) units which clamp externally on the process piping.  The Scale-X MFC's  are installed at, or just prior to, identified scaling points, usually just before entry to vessels. The Scale-X MFC is maintenance free.  A typical dairy process evaporator has a number of heating and evaporative (concentrator) vessels as shown schematically and may require the application of multiple stages of Scale-X MFC’s.  Depending on the severity of the scale problem a MFC may treat only one vessel or scaling point or may treat two or more scaling points or vessels.  To achieve maximum benefits install MFC's immediately upstream of each vessel or scaling point.

MFCs are located as close as possible
 to the entry of the vessel suffering a scale problem


  Cause of the high rate of precipitation of scale  

In Milk Evaporators and pasteurisers, scaling is so severe and forms so fast, often within a few hours, that it can usually only be reduced, rather than eliminated totally.  These plans operate under vacuum to increase the rate of evaporation which in turn increases the rate of formation of scale crystals. One of the main causes for the high rate of build up in a falling film evaporator is the gentle flow of the fluid, under a vacuum, over the surface of the heating tubes which is designed to achieve very high rates of evaporation.  The slow gentle flow is not strong enough to scour away the soft build up of scale. The resulting precipitation of scale is predominantly milk-stone, which is a complex of calcium phosphate mineral salt.  Organic scaling (proteins, lactose and fats) is also a major issue in these systems.  However, Scale-X MFC’s can reduce the rate of both organic and inorganic scale build-up significantly, which allows extended production run times, reduced length of cleaning time and reduced chemical usage.


  Maintenance of plant and costs are reduced with MFCs  

In the milk processing industry maintenance of plant is a major  and time consuming activity.  Scale is a very significant problem that typically requires daily treatment and sometimes a number of cleans per day, as scale deposits build-up within hours, particularly in the evaporator (concentrator) vessels. 

Application of Scale-X MFC’s:-
     (1)  slows the rate of scale build up
     (2)  keeps any build up soft and easier to clean/remove and
     (3)  extending the length of runs between CIPs (clean in place)

This reduces maintenance by:-
      ●  reduces the number of CIPs
      ●  reduces the length of CIPs
      ●  reduces quantity and number of chemical required per CIP as outlined in the dairy industry and corrosion forum articles.



  Benefits from installing MFCs  

Benefits that can be achieved from the application of MFCs to fluid process systems such as the dairy industry production processes are:-
   ● Increased length of run times between cleans (CIPs)
   ● Increase solids concentration levels in evaporative processes
   ● Increased production
   ● Increased energy eficiency
   ● Reduced power consumption
   ● Reduced water usage
   ● Reduced length of cleaning times (CIPs)
   ● Reduced quantities and number of chemicals used
   ● Reduced level of thermophies and anaerobic spores
   ● Fast return on investment (ROI) within months
   ● Environmentally neutral

Typical increases in the length of run times between cleans range from 35 to 90% increase depending on the product being processed and the severity of the problem. The less severe the rate of scaling the greater the benefits.

Benefits of MFCs on dairy evaporators increases
as the rate of scale deposition decreases.

An evaporator which previously was cleaned every 14 hours processing whey had its run time extended to 19 hours while still halving the CIP time, and an evaporator processing skim milk which previously ran 19 hours before CIP was extended to 36 hours. This technology has proved effective not only on full cream milk, skim milk and whey products but also on fortified milk products such as protein and sucrose fortified milk products.

Some examples of significant benefits derived from the application of Scale-X MFCs on various dairy evaporative processes are outlined in the  the "Australian Dairy Foods" Journal, the Official Journal of the Dairy Association of Australia, issues May 1991, August 1991 and June 1993.  The following document shows these benefits graphically.

Scale-X MFCs increases length of production runs,
reduces quantity and number of cleaning chemicals

  MFCs offer an range of Operational Objectives.  

With FSUs ability to significantly extend run times between CIPs and to reduce CIP time, the range of options for operating the evaporator is:-
       ●  Maximize run time with minor reduction in CIP time - or to
       ●  Extend run time while achieving a reduced CIP time - or to
       ●  Minimize CIP time with little or no increase in run time.

Usually the maximum financial benefits would be achieved by the first option, that is, maximize run time with a minor reduction in CIP time

Scale-X MFCs offer a range of operational choices
to maximize financial benefits.

  MFCs significantly reduces thermophile and anaerobic spores.  

By reducing the rate of formation of scale and sludge in these milk process systems, Scale-X MFC’s reduces the nutrients and alters the environment in which thermophiles and anaerobic spores live. This can result in a significant reduction in the bacteria problem. This is discussed in the Australian Dairy Foods Journal articles August 1991 and June 1993 reporting the use of Magnetic Technology’s Scale-X MFC’s on milk evaporators in the production of milk powder. The factories were able to meet the more stringent bacteria specifications when the magnetic units were installed.